The importance of Shade Structures, managing their performance and a glance at BAL rating in bush fire prone areas.
Read more: Shade Structure & Bush Fire Testing - Preparation for Summer heat conditions
Healthcare and Barrier Testing for protective wear and hospital bedding/towels/linen etc.
Evaluating properties of Wood-based Fibre & Particle Panel materials
Damage caused by stiletto type heels or even fine legged furniture, can be a significant concern for consumers of high cost products such as flooring in both residential and commercial premises.
Read more: Janka Hardness test - a measure of the Hardness of wood
The NCC is released on a three year cycle, with the 2019 code being current.
In Australia, other than the general requirement for care labelling of textiles, the only mandated requirement specifically for Children’s apparel is for Children’s nightwear and limited daywear.
Read more: Testing of Children’s Garments - both Nightwear & Daywear